Consultation for Ympäristötalo

Caverion SRI for City of Oulu

Oulu Ympäristötalo

The Caverion SRI (Smart Readiness Indicator) consultation service analyses the current status of you building and defines the optimal next steps to maximise the property value and optimise energy efficiency, while improving the reliability and flexibility of your building operations. The outcome of a Caverion SRI consultation is unique to each customer and building, yet calculated with a stardardised framework. For Ympäristötalo in Oulu, the outcomes of the Caverion SRI consultation included:

Digital status

Digital status

An understanding of the current digital status of the buildling.

5-year plan

5-year plan

A five-year action plan to achieve the smartest and responsible real estate possible. 

Informed decision-making

Informed decision-making

Informed decision-making related to property intelligence. 

“Our goal is to be carbon neutral by 2040. At the same time, we want to ensure optimal conditions and a high-quality user experience for our users. To achieve these goals, investing in smart and resource-efficient real estate is essential. The Caverion SRI consultation gave us a concrete way to look at and develop real estate intelligence.”

- Riikka Vesteri, Real Estate Manager



  • Achieve smart, energy efficient and future-proof real estate.
  • Property usability optimization.
  • Ensures the comprehensive utilization of building systems, connections, and control systems.
  • Increase the transparency of building service systems.


  • Caverion SRI consultation, including:
    • Setting the smart-readiness target level.
    • Three-part analysis of the current digital state of the building services systems (efficient operation & maintenance, user / occupant needs, and readiness for the future needs of the electric grid).
    • 5-year action plan for the property’s digital investment needs.


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